I Choose To Be Mom...

Why do parents feel obligated to be their children's best friend and to provide them with all the material things that society leads you to believe they need? Why is it that we work overtime just so our children can get the latest new toy or the cool new game system? I ask this because the children of the world are failing to prosper as young adults and I feel that the parents are ultimately to blame. Yes, society plays a big part in this as well but why aren't parents being parents anymore? Why aren't we putting our foot down and saying no to the demands of our bratty children? Why is our biggest fear that our children will hate us instead of worrying that our children will grow up to be failures because they never heard the word "no"? We're too busy being our childrens' friends that we're missing out on our responsibilities as parents. For the next 18 years of my children's lives my first priority is to be their mom. They will have many friends throughout their lives but I will be the only mom they will ever have and therefore I want to put everything I have into being their protector, nurturer, provider, leader, teacher, and the best mom I can possibly be. Don't get me wrong, I love to have fun with my children and laugh and play but ultimately my goal is to raise strong young men who will grow up to be devoted husbands and wonderful fathers. I guess it just makes me sad to see all the children in this world that are still looking for that one person they can rely on to lead them through life instead of just trying to make them happy for the here and now. The material things in life will only be replaced with more material things in the future but the morals and values you instill in your children now will stay with them forever.

How Did I Get Here?

As I sit here beside my youngest baby boy and watch him sleep I start to think about how truly lucky I am to have such an amazing little family. Not only am I married to an amazing man but I have 2 beautiful sons who I absolutely adore. How did I get here? How did I find my way down this path of true happiness?

As a young adult I never saw my life turning out this way. I grew up in a broken home and never witnessed a good, solid marriage. I guess I always thought that either I would spend forever alone or that I would end up in one of those unhappy marriages that I came accustomed to seeing on a daily basis. Although everyone constantly told me that I was too picky when it came to men, I knew that the right guy was out there.

After meeting Michael, it was only a short time before I knew that I had met my Mr. Right. We were inseparable from the beginning and became the best of friends. We spent the next several years just enjoying our life together. We got married and bought a house. It was an amazing time in my life. I will never forget all of the great times we shared.

It was probably 2 1/2 years into our marriage when we decided that it was time for us to start a family. We tried to get pregnant for about a year and a half with no luck. We felt like there must be something wrong and decided it was time to get some help. After seeing a specialist we were told that unfortunately our chances of conceiving naturally were slim...only about a 4% chance. We were devastated. It was the hardest time of my life. I constantly asked myself why us. Why was it that everyone around me was getting pregnant but I was unable to? I felt completely isolated from the world during that time. We decided that we would seek help from the fertility clinic. After 2 months of unsuccessful procedures something happened that we were not expecting. We became pregnant on our own. The moment I found out I was pregnant was the most exhilarating feeling I have ever experienced. It was an amazing day that I will never forget! We had truly been blessed with the most amazing gift. Now, almost 4 years after that very day, we have been blessed with not only our 3 year old, Brennan, but have also been blessed with our almost 1 year old, Bryson. They are two of the most amazing little boys I have ever had the pleasure to know...and they're all MINE! :)

Being a mom is the most amazing job in the world. I truly feel like this is what I was born to do. If you would have asked me when I was younger if I ever saw my life taking this path I would have laughed and said absolutely not! The biggest shocker to me is that I am now a stay at home mom. I am looking forward to watching our boys grow each and every day. I also have my own online children’s and baby boutique...Teacups and Mudpies...which has been an amazing blessing to me. It has kept me feeling motivated and strong. I feel like if I can be mommy to 2 busy little boys and run a business at the same time, then I can do anything! :)

Life couldn’t be better. So I ask myself again...how did I get here? Patience....

Sleep Would Be So Nice Right Now...

Sitting here wishing I could fall back into bed, exhausted to a point of no return, I watch Bryson lay on the floor and cry because he can not eat food left out from last night's supper. He is so sweet and innocent and so doesn't understand why anything is the way it is. I can't help but stare at him adoringly, thinking of how blessed I am to have him and his brother in my life. As tired as I am, I always enjoy the short time in the mornings when Bryson and I are able to spend some time alone. The house is quiet, everyone else is asleep, and I am able to devote all of my time to him. We usually cuddle on the couch, me holding him under my robe keeping the two of us warm. It's a sweet moment and I love it!

I do, however, wish he could have slept another couple of hours today as I feel as though I just can't seem to get enough sleep these days. He's been fighting a cold for almost 2 weeks now which keeps him up half the night coughing and crying, which in turn keeps Mommy up. I'm definately feeling it today. I intended to take the boys to the library today but after nights like I've had, it's hard to get motivated to get up and get moving...UGH! Regardless of the way I feel though, someone has to keep this house running so I guess it's time to get up and start the day. My mommy duties are calling and I'm trying desperately to ignore them...:)