Worm Hair...Ya Think?

So I decided the boys and I would meet the hubby after lunch today to do a little shopping. As we were walking into Ross, a man with very long dreadlocks walked in a few steps ahead of us. Before I could distract my 3 year old long enough to keep him from saying anything, he turns to his Daddy and says "Daddy, why does that man have yucky worm hair?" I was mortified but what's a mom to do?

Mommy Workouts...

Why is it that children are against us moms getting our flabby butts into better shape? The minute I get on the treadmill or pop in an exercise video, my boys NEED to be right up under me. Because of this, my hubby and I decided to start working out at night after they have gone to bed. We have been doing the P90X workouts from around 10:00 p.m. to about 11:30 p.m., 6 nights a week. It's exhausting to say the least! Is this my only alternative to a flatter tummy and a tighter...well, everything else?