I Choose To Be Mom...

Why do parents feel obligated to be their children's best friend and to provide them with all the material things that society leads you to believe they need? Why is it that we work overtime just so our children can get the latest new toy or the cool new game system? I ask this because the children of the world are failing to prosper as young adults and I feel that the parents are ultimately to blame. Yes, society plays a big part in this as well but why aren't parents being parents anymore? Why aren't we putting our foot down and saying no to the demands of our bratty children? Why is our biggest fear that our children will hate us instead of worrying that our children will grow up to be failures because they never heard the word "no"? We're too busy being our childrens' friends that we're missing out on our responsibilities as parents. For the next 18 years of my children's lives my first priority is to be their mom. They will have many friends throughout their lives but I will be the only mom they will ever have and therefore I want to put everything I have into being their protector, nurturer, provider, leader, teacher, and the best mom I can possibly be. Don't get me wrong, I love to have fun with my children and laugh and play but ultimately my goal is to raise strong young men who will grow up to be devoted husbands and wonderful fathers. I guess it just makes me sad to see all the children in this world that are still looking for that one person they can rely on to lead them through life instead of just trying to make them happy for the here and now. The material things in life will only be replaced with more material things in the future but the morals and values you instill in your children now will stay with them forever.
1 Response
  1. Unknown Says:

    Amen Holly! I'm with you totally on that!
