It's Naptime...No Seriously...IT'S NAPTIME!!

I am in desperate need of some quiet time and unfortunately, my 1 year old refuses to take a nap. Right now he is sitting on top of the table in our bonus room. Oh, did I mention he is part monkey? He climbs on top of everything! I can't seem to keep him pun! All jokes aside, I do need a moment of peace in this crazy household of mine. Just 30 minutes...ok I actually prefer 2 hours but 30 mins. would work. I just need my 17 month old climbing monkey to lie down and sleep. Is that so much to ask for?


Is This What I Signed Up For?

When I had my two boys I didn't, in the beginning, know just what I was signing up for. Does anyone really know what motherhood is going to be like? After having 1 child, do you really know what it's going to be like to have 2? For me, not so much! I knew I would love them although I never completely understood to the depths of the love that I would feel. I knew I would be sleep deprived, but I don't think I really understood how the sleep deprivation would affect the relationship between me and the man who I knew as my soul mate and 1 true love. Yes, sappy it is but it's my reality. When Brennan was born about 3 1/2 years ago, I was amazed at how much love I felt for this little guy. I was taken aback by the idea that this tiny little 9 1/2 lb. baby (yes, I know...a whole different story altogether) was really mine and that I was totally responsible for making sure he survived. I was amazed when I made it the first few days, although in a haze, I survived. Months later, I was more sleep deprived than I ever thought possible, my baby was diagnosed with acid reflux and colic and was crying 10 hours a day, my husband and I who never fought before were suddenly fighting daily, and I was feeling an emotion I had never felt before (mommy guilt) because my baby was going to start spending 10 hours a day in daycare. Did I know that when I first saw those two pink lines that I was signing up for this lifetime of total chaos and a world of eternal devotion to this little being? The concept was there but the understanding was not even close. Now, as a mom to two little boys, I think I'm starting to understand just what I signed up for. I signed over my sanity and with that the woman I used to be. Now, I'm a new woman, with a new drive and a new outlook on what life is really all about.

I Have A Plan...

Yesterday I decided to write a book. I mean I decided to write a book, write a song and start my own clothing line. Oh, and I have two boys...ages 1 and 3...and hope to start trying for #3 in a few months. By the way, I'm a stay at home mom that loves a clean house, quality time with my boys, plenty of outdoor time, and did I mention I run my own business? I think I may have officially lost my mind!


Baby Wipes? REALLY?!

So what is it that is so bad that requires my boys to fight non-stop. Right now they are fighting over a baby wipes case. Really?! I mean, is it really that necessary to scream and yell and chase each other around the room because there is nothing better to play with than a box of baby wipes. Wow!! I mean WOW!! Forget the bedrooms full of toys that never get touched! Baby wipes are all my boys need to entertain them for hours. :P
