It's Naptime...No Seriously...IT'S NAPTIME!!

I am in desperate need of some quiet time and unfortunately, my 1 year old refuses to take a nap. Right now he is sitting on top of the table in our bonus room. Oh, did I mention he is part monkey? He climbs on top of everything! I can't seem to keep him pun! All jokes aside, I do need a moment of peace in this crazy household of mine. Just 30 minutes...ok I actually prefer 2 hours but 30 mins. would work. I just need my 17 month old climbing monkey to lie down and sleep. Is that so much to ask for?

2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Hi Holly, Hope you got your quiet time.

  2. mudmama Says:

    I feel ya! My 4 1/2 year old is still a monkey! Hope you are getting some rest!
    Wanted to say hi as a fellow TN mommy!